You haven’t heard from me in awhile because, truthfully, it’s been challenging to type. I fractured my shoulder six weeks ago, while ice skating with my daughter. My injury is healing well, but wow… it did hurt. A word about the ice skating… Seems that I found a true, new passion a few months ago. […]

I recently welcomed a vibrant, ambitious writer to my practice. During her complimentary “Get Acquainted” Call with me, she mentioned she’d been following me for a few years online – reading my blog, etc. “What took you so long to get in touch, then?” I asked her. She replied, “I really didn’t think I needed […]

How does it feel to achieve a big writing goal? When you discipline your writing habits and finish what you write, you feel elated. Energized! Eager to pursue your next project and move your writing career forward. Pleased with yourself and your capacity to focus, persist and COMPLETE a writing project that may have […]

Even smart people believe stuff that’s not actually true. Take, for example, our culture’s love affair with striving. If you’ve ever worked hard to do life “right,” then you know what I mean. You may have worked hard, long hours, and then faulted yourself when your body rebelled against the stress. You may have baked the cookies, […]

Every day, I help writers step through the painful struggles that hold them back from creating fulfilling writing habits and careers. And every day – as a vocalist, musician and writer, I am traveling on this path, too. This weekend I found an old journal and I discovered a very clear intention I’d set, at […]

I’m a late-adopter when it comes to media. (Case in point: my husband and I waited until 2014 to “discover” The West Wing — a full eight years after the series ended.) So imagine my surprise when I found myself binge-watching Tidying Up with Marie Kondo on Netflix this past week. Have you watched it? […]

I’ve been happy this month, watching my clients grow and thrive as writers and busy, passionate people in the world! There have been big wins. For instance, Pamela Toler, a woman who’s authored more than a few books to-date, just published an important book, one that’s infused with her wit and voice and squarely centered […]

Behind the fabric of your busy days, dwells your most truthful self. It’s that writing part of you – always watching, thinking, feeling, sensing, saying. Sometimes you feel it as a rush of fresh language or ideas in your head. Sometimes, your heart aches with an untold story you long to give form to. Other […]

Your response to last week’s article, Hey, Writer – Your Courage is Calling, was phenomenal! Thank you for your messages, and I’m glad my ideas resonated for you. Many of you wrote me to say that the article helped you believe in your voice, and be more courageous with writing. One writer shared with me a […]

Not long ago, I met a writer who desperately wanted cut through the clutter of her busy schedule and inner resistance so she could finally focus on writing. She had a book to finish. Her book was personally meaningful and commercially viable. Not only was its concept well-developed and the book half-written, she’d successfully lined up people […]

What are you choosing to focus your energy and attention on today? Are you living daily with a painful voice inside, a voice that calls you out constantly for how little you’re writing these days… how difficult it is to enjoy your writing, (once you finally sit down to try)… and how short your falling with […]

I just got off the phone with a fascinating and motivated writer, a woman who confessed to me with shame that she must just be “too lazy” to write consistently. You see, for years, she’s struggled to create a regular writing habit. It’s not that this writer doesn’t have a bit of time to devote to […]

Have you been dying to quit your job so you can spend more time on your writing? This week, two of my clients did just that. One client left a professional position in an organization she’d outgrown, finally allowing herself the opportunities she needs to grow her writing career to its full potential. Another client, […]

Last week I met a talented freelance journalist and content writer. She had so much going for her — great bylines; recurring assignments; a six-figure revenue; and a few big ideas to research and pitch. Despite these assets, this independent writer was missing two crucial elements that were keeping her stuck and unable to dig […]

My client’s voice lit up brightly today as she recalled how fun pitching stories used to be when she was just starting out as a freelance writer. “I used to be so excited about finding ideas,” she said. “I loved it. I’d think, ‘Ooh, I see an idea in the world — I can develop that and bring […]