Coach Marla Beck

brilliant productivity

Writing Habit

How does it feel to achieve a big writing goal?   When you discipline your writing habits and finish what you write, you feel elated. Energized! Eager to pursue your next project and move your writing career forward. Pleased with yourself and your capacity to focus, persist and COMPLETE a writing project that may have […]

Writing Life

It’s a warm spring day here in Northern California, with wild poppies, purple lupine and cultivated daffodils blanketing hillsides and yards and roadside medians with pops of gorgeous color. After months underground, the flowers are everywhere – unapologetically vibrant. Unapologetically alive!   Today, I invite you to consider your writing life in this fresh light […]


Even smart people believe stuff that’s not actually true. Take, for example, our culture’s love affair with striving. If you’ve ever worked hard to do life “right,” then you know what I mean. You may have worked hard, long hours, and then faulted yourself when your body rebelled against the stress. You may have baked the cookies, […]


Perhaps the years have brought you a “life-quake” or two – an experience that dramatically ruptured the plot of life as you once knew it. Suddenly, your world is peppered with daunting new characters, settings or conflicts. Suddenly, you’re required to become something different or new, in order to survive and thrive. My version of […]

Consistently Creative

Every day, I help writers step through the painful struggles that hold them back from creating fulfilling writing habits and careers. And every day – as a vocalist, musician and writer, I am traveling on this path, too. This weekend I found an old journal and I discovered a very clear intention I’d set, at […]

Writing Habit

I’m a late-adopter when it comes to media. (Case in point: my husband and I waited until 2014 to “discover” The West Wing — a full eight years after the series ended.) So imagine my surprise when I found myself binge-watching Tidying Up with Marie Kondo on Netflix this past week. Have you watched it? […]

Women Warriors

I’ve been happy this month, watching my clients grow and thrive as writers and busy, passionate people in the world! There have been big wins. For instance, Pamela Toler, a woman who’s authored more than a few books to-date, just published an important book, one that’s infused with her wit and voice and squarely centered […]

frustrated writer behind laptop

Every day, I talk with writers who secretly struggle. Perhaps writing for-hire is killing their passion to focus on and write what really matters… Perhaps they’re good at their craft but, no matter how hard they try, they can’t seem to create habits and systems to spark fresh ideas and intentionally grow their careers… Perhaps […]


A few months ago, I spoke with an aspiring writer who spent most of her waking hours doing many good things.  Except writing. This woman worked full-time, and was accomplished in her field.  She paid attention to her body, and invested time and energy in regular exercise.  She was attentive to her children, her spouse, […]

productive writing

Summer.  Is this time of year frustrating and destructive for your writing?  If so, let’s chat. Some days, I experience summer as a languid and almost sensual force of flow and ease.  This midyear season can be quite lovely as it cloaks us with heat, warmth, spaciousness, and an unmistakable invitation to have fun, take […]


Lazy (defined):  a lack of desire to expend effort Do you have writing dreams you’re not pursuing with full effort (and heart)? Every week, I meet writers like you who are stuck, frustrated and aching to achieve their writing dreams. In the intimacy of our conversations, these smart, driven, frustrated writers share the same stories.  Do […]

Last night, it rained here in Northern California for the first time in many weeks.  The air this morning is brisk, clean and fresh. The sky is a piercing blue, post-rain.  Against this canvas, the greens of the leaves and shrubs seem rather electric and alive. Things inside my home feel more vivid and clear […]


I pulled an empty notebook off the shelf last week to give to my husband, who wanted to take some notes at an evening meeting.  When my ten-year-old saw the notebook’s black-and-white cardboard cover, she yelled out with excitement:  “That’s a COMPOSITION BOOK.  We have the same notebooks in our desks at school!” (It seems […]

Writing Passion

Oooh! I love it when this happens. After years away from her book, my client just told me she’s thrilled. She is writing consistently and productively again – almost daily! Using my powerful productivity system, Write a Book that Matters, this writer set a super-meaningful, (so-big-it’s-almost-daunting) 8-week writing goal she can’t WAIT to achieve. And […]

Your writing career is peppered with opportunities to take charge and get the results you want.  One thing I’ve learned from coaching writers like you for the past decade is this:  starting your day right is one of the fastest ways to improve your productivity and focus. To get you started, in today’s video tip for writers I’m […]

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