Coach Marla Beck
Writing Habit

Tidy Up Your Writing Habits — 4 Essentials

by Marla Beck

in brilliant creativity, brilliant mindset, brilliant productivity, brilliant self-care, brilliant writing career

I’m a late-adopter when it comes to media. (Case in point: my husband and I waited until 2014 to “discover” The West Wing — a full eight years after the series ended.) So imagine my surprise when I found myself binge-watching Tidying Up with Marie Kondo on Netflix this past week. Have you watched it?

In every episode, we’re introduced to a family, couple or individual who want to feel better and infuse their lives with fresh energy and new possibility. Each of these people knows that clearing mental and physical clutter is the answer. And each person needs help to do it.

These folks don’t just need a system. They don’t just need emotional support, either.

To change their lives, these folks learned to focus on their goals using joy as their compass. They learned to work with kindness – kindness towards themselves, their memories and possessions, kindness towards partners and their families.

So is that all a person needs to radically change their life? A system, some support, a bit of joy and kindness? Not quite.

These folks succeeded at tidying up their lives because they had access to these 4 essentials:

  1. A decision.
  2. A framework – (a model plus guiding principles and simple steps, coupled with timelines and outcomes)
  3. Accountability.
  4. Mentoring, acknowledgement and support.

Writing HabitIf you’ve been struggling with changing your writing life and habits…it’s time to tidy up. I urge you to use these 4 essentials as your guide. The structure I’m sharing today is the “secret sauce” that helps ordinary people make heroic changes. Fast.

Perhaps you want to get back to your writing. Perhaps you’re ready to finally finish what you write. Perhaps you want to publish, find an agent, create a new writing business, or realign an already successful writing career.

Whatever your goals, imagine how wonderful it’s going to feel to look in the mirror and see a woman or man who feels whole, satisfied, creatively alive again.

Imagine how spacious, free and happy you’ll feel without all the mental clutter, time struggles, distractions and vague, exhausting striving that’s been saddling you for years.

You absolutely can have a meaningful, productive and downright tidy writing life. To get there, you’ve got to learn to use joy and kindness as your guides. You also have to make a clear decision, use a powerful framework and gift yourself a unique relationship that holds you as you grow – one that holds you accountable, challenges you when you want to quit, teaches you create the right writing community for you, and champions your humanity, your creative magic and your capacity to change a small corner of the world with your own, deeply-felt voice.

I’m here to help you. Contact me today, if you’re ready to face your fears and get to work.

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