Coach Marla Beck
Writing Habit

Finish What You Write – Here’s a Postcard from Your Future

by Marla Beck

in brilliant mindset, brilliant productivity, brilliant writing career

How does it feel to achieve a big writing goal?  

When you discipline your writing habits and finish what you write, you feel elated. Energized! Eager to pursue your next project and move your writing career forward. Pleased with yourself and your capacity to focus, persist and COMPLETE a writing project that may have been hanging over your head for years.

There’s something even more wonderful to this kind of writing success, though.

That wonderful thing? It’s YOU, dear writer, for the person who finished that manuscript is not the same person who started it.  

Along the way to disciplined writing success…

  • You learned to be a masterful self-manager.  
  • You practiced getting out of your own way, when inevitable doubts and fears popped up.
  • You learned to boost and direct your creative energy.
  • You took charge of your writing sessions (and learned to get back on track, when you failed).

You became an unapologetic writerdisciplined, courageous and committed to achieving your writing goals while fully showing up for the rest of life, too.

The “you” who finished that writing project cultivated the art of FINISHING.

The “you” who finished that writing project learned to lead with head and heart.

The “you” who finished that writing project proved old stories wrong, moving one step closer to the inspired writing career you dream of – writing and publishing consistently and making money writing what truly matters.

Consider this article a postcard from your future, dear writer.

You already have the capacity to focus, persist and finish what you write.  

You already have the capacity to develop a disciplined writing habit like never before. This kind of satisfaction and writing success is available to you when you address the hidden blocks that are holding you back from achieving your writing potential. (Hint: “writing challenges” and “get it done” groups can help you make temporary progress… but to truly SHIFT your productivity and master disciplined writing, you have to go past the surface to the root cause. You need to re-engineer your writing from the inside out.)

Reach out to me if you need help. If you know you can’t do this on your own, I’m here to help you fix your writing problems for good.

p.s. – To help you prioritize your passion and get back to disciplined writing with focus, heart and savvy, I’ll be sharing new videos over on my Facebook group at The Unapologetic Writer Community. Join us!

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