My jaw dropped after we hung up the phone. I was just talking to a former coaching client this week, a man I’ll call Timothy. Timothy hired me a few years ago, because he desperately wanted to reclaim his creativity and create a steady, productive writing practice. You should know this about Timothy: he was […]

Ambitious athletes, executives, speakers, and influencers have long known that the fastest path to achieving their goals is to hire a coach. What about you? Can a coach really help you achieve your writing, career and life goals? How? I’m answering your questions in today’s video: “How a Coach Can Help You.” Click below to […]

Sometimes, it seems, even smart people believe stuff that’s not actually true. Take, for example, our culture’s love affair with striving. If you’ve ever worked hard to do life “right” — “right” according to whom? — then you know what I mean. You may have worked hard, long hours, and then faulted yourself when your body […]

A personal note: I’m smiling a lot these days. I’m privately coaching a hard-working group of sensitive, smart writers. I’m feeling great. And best of all, I’m preparing for my first full-set, solo music performance since I stood on stage at Anna’s Jazz Island back in 2007, seven months pregnant with my daughter. I’ve got […]

Hey, smart cookie. For all your skill at meeting everyone else’s deadlines, you’d think you’d be a rock star at discovering your passion and making time to pursue your personal projects, right? Thing is, that gnawing feeling inside – the one that wells up on Sunday afternoons – tells you that when it comes to […]

Are you too busy to write? Allow me to share a few of my clients’ accomplishments from the past two weeks to inspire you. One of my writer-clients, a professional and parent of young kids, reclaimed a productive hour of writing before work. Another writer-client, passionate about basketball, returned to playing her beloved sport after […]

Sometimes we writers forget that it’s our own responsibility to believe in the power of our voice and message and writing. (Especially if you come from an “allied profession” like business or law or technical writing, and you’re trying your hand at fiction for the first time. You’re likely not used to failing, right?) Whether […]

If you want to fire up your writing career and fall back in love with your life again, you don’t need a writing coach. You need an expert mentor and intuitive catalyst who’s completely invested in helping you honor your talent and become more YOU in the world. Someone who will: challenge you to think […]

I know you’re busy. I hear that you think you need someone to “kick your butt” so you can get your writing done. I’m not convinced that’s all you need, though. Not if you’re someone who wants to feel more energized, happy, empowered and whole. Watch today’s video for more on the topic: With love […]

This image is one of the few I took when I flew back home to DC and Maryland recently. c. 2015 Marla Beck It’s haunted me a bit, since I took it. Every time I gaze at the bird and the hotel in the background, I feel more alive and awake. Here’s why. 1. Seeing […]

I can’t tell you how many free-thinking, intelligent, accomplished writers I meet who struggle with their productivity style: They think “real writers” always write earlier in the day. They believe the best fiction writers structure their novels in advance. They think they shouldn’t struggle, or get stuck, or write slow sometimes. Oh, my. May I […]

May I be candid? One of my favorite parts of the coaching process is helping a client turnaround a recent mistake. Perhaps he took a risk. And failed. Perhaps she waited too damn long to respond to an opportunity, and her fear or indecisiveness pushed that great new chance right out the window. Perhaps he […]

Ready to begin your next writing project? Congratulations! Let’s make sure you’re pursuing the best writing project for you, so you can avoid the malaise and burnout that can happen when you forget to honor all of who you are. Watch below to learn a new kind of decision-making for your writing career: Remember: when […]

Hello writers! Have you been feeling sluggish lately? Lost your zing and clarity for writing? If so, today’s “Quick Tip for Writers” is a mini kick-in-the-pants. Click below watch it: After you watch, feel free to share you comments or questions with us over on my Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/career.coaching.for.writers.MarlaBeck Have a productive, happy writing day!

You know this already: that well-crafted and thoroughly researched pitch, lovely seedling that it is, may not land you the first “bigger, better” writing assignment you’re going for. But even if your pitch is rejected, keep watchful for the many healthy offshoots that often spring up as a result of you taking decisive action and […]