Coach Marla Beck

Your Best Writing Year Yet


One of my favorite clients came to me with a terrible ache and longing to get back to her writing.  She’d tried, unsuccessfully, to devote more time to creative writing and she’d tried, unsuccessfully, to focus on her projects until they were done.  Year after year, she attended literary readings and supported her friends’ writing […]

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Have You Ever Had This Experience?


A few days ago, I backed my car out of our driveway and onto the road.  I quickly shifted gears and pressed the accelerator. Although I’d shifted the transmission into DRIVE, I immediately noticed a significant drag on my car’s momentum.  The car was moving forward — just not very fast! That’s what happens, I […]

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You’re the Best Gift You Can Give for the Holidays


Last night I stayed up late, researching Christmas presents online.  I bookmarked items and filled my shopping cart.  I made mental lists and discovered a few items I might like, too. Quite a lot of mental energy and time can go into holiday gift-giving, yes? As this year’s season of celebration and generosity unfolds, I […]

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On Making Art During the Holidays

Making Art

Last Sunday, I spent the day with eight talented singers in a daylong Vocal Improv masterclass.  (If you like Bobby McFerrin, then you can imagine the kinds of sounds and songs we improvised together.) Setting a full day aside for myself wasn’t easy.  Even your coach occasionally struggles to prioritize time for writing, art or […]

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When You’ve Lost Your Thrill for Writing.


Take a moment to reflect with me.  Can you remember a time when… …working on your personal writing projects was exhilarating and fun? …pitching your dream magazines felt thrilling? …submitting creative work to literary journals or contests was something you just did — each and every week? Remember how good it felt to focus on […]

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Your BIG Freelance Writing Dreams? Totally Achievable.


Chances are, you got into freelance writing with your passion and dreams intact.  Maybe, when you first started out, you dreamed of… getting paid to work in your pj’s and slippers… walking the dog during the workday and picking up the kids after school… doing a load of laundry or the dishes between assignments… making […]

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Thoughts on Beauty, from Anne Frank


In the past two weeks, my clients have been calling me with wonderful news — a book deal! A fellowship! A respected agent who asked to see more! Through our work together, my clients learn to hone their focus and achieve their writing goals from the inside out. Paying close attention to WHAT you pay […]

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A Writing Career of Bright Purpose

Writing Career

Last week I met a talented freelance journalist and content writer.  She had so much going for her — great bylines; recurring assignments; a six-figure revenue; and a few big ideas to research and pitch. Despite these assets, this independent writer was missing two crucial elements that were keeping her stuck and unable to dig […]

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Haunted By Your Freelance Writing Past?

Freelance Writing

The human mind has a peculiar tendency to amplify anything we focus on…especially, the negative. So let’s talk about your freelance writing career for a moment. What have you been thinking about lately? How good it felt to achieve your last writing milestone, or that time you tried to solve a writing problem…and failed? How […]

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I Procrastinate, Too.


On Friday, I posted this note to my personal Facebook page: In response, a music journalist teased, “Is that your day or your month?” (“My morning,” I replied.) Other writers chimed in with their stories, and a few pinged me on Messenger. In less than an hour I confirmed something I’d suspected all along:  I’m not […]

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Freelance Writers: Lost Your Pitching Mojo?


My client’s voice lit up brightly today as she recalled how fun pitching stories used to be when she was just starting out as a freelance writer. “I used to be so excited about finding ideas,” she said.  “I loved it.  I’d think, ‘Ooh,  I see an idea in the world — I can develop that and bring […]

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3 Months to Publish a New Long-Form Piece


Imagine, for a moment. Just 3 months have passed, and today it’s January 3, 2018. You are sitting at your writing desk, which is tidy and organized. You are feeling good – more energized, on-point and happy with your writing career than you’ve felt in years. Why do you feel so amazing? The answer is sitting […]

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The Number One Mistake of Freelance Writers

Freelance Writers

On the outside, Jess’s freelance writing seems to be going great:  she has a steady stream of assignments, her editors and clients like working with her, and she’s making the money she needs every month. So why is Jess so unhappy? If you ask our writer why she’s so unhappy these days, Jess will say […]

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Fall Back In Love with Your Freelance Writing Career

freelance writing

It’s time for you to fall back in love with your freelance writing career, your craft and your life. Why? Because the years ebb by fast.  Before you know it, a decade’s gone by and suddenly you see that most  of your talent, your passion, your potential… is stymied.  Stuck.  As-yet unexpressed.  Unrealized. “Falling in love again” with […]

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Struggling to write what matters most? This is the step you’re missing.


I pulled an empty notebook off the shelf last week to give to my husband, who wanted to take some notes at an evening meeting.  When my ten-year-old saw the notebook’s black-and-white cardboard cover, she yelled out with excitement:  “That’s a COMPOSITION BOOK.  We have the same notebooks in our desks at school!” (It seems […]

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