It hurts not to write. Nearly every week, a midlife writer confesses the terrible pain they feel by being in a prolonged state of not-writing. Sometimes by accident, and often, via fear, these writers find themselves mired in a solid, good life, but a life that’s sorely lacking creative practice, growth and fulfillment. These busy writers… … […]

In any given week, I spend a minimum of 3 to 5 hours focused and engaged in creative work. (That’s 3% of my waking hours. Not much time, right? Never underestimate the power of a focused half-hour or hour of writing, though. I get a lot done. Even better, this modest investment yields so much good […]

I just got off the phone with a fascinating and motivated writer, a woman who confessed to me with shame that she must just be “too lazy” to write consistently. You see, for years, she’s struggled to create a regular writing habit. It’s not that this writer doesn’t have a bit of time to devote to […]

Have you been dying to quit your job so you can spend more time on your writing? This week, two of my clients did just that. One client left a professional position in an organization she’d outgrown, finally allowing herself the opportunities she needs to grow her writing career to its full potential. Another client, […]

Last night, it rained here in Northern California for the first time in many weeks. The air this morning is brisk, clean and fresh. The sky is a piercing blue, post-rain. Against this canvas, the greens of the leaves and shrubs seem rather electric and alive. Things inside my home feel more vivid and clear […]

Are you a midlife writer? Have you been struggling to put your writing first, when there are so many other responsibilities competing for your time, your attention and your focus? You are not alone. One of the biggest challenges busy, midlife writers share with me is this: they know how to hit their deadlines for […]

A personal note today. My mother’s death this time last year was the last of a series of profound, life-altering events that have steadily cascaded through my experience since 2012. The past five years have been an arduous passage for me, a time in life that has required me to draw on and develop deep […]

A few years ago, I worked with a writer I’ll call “Trudy.” Trudy was a thoughtful, ambitious woman who cultivated a busy personal life and a successful career she truly cared about. In nearly everything this determined woman focused on, Trudy excelled. On paper, you’d say Trudy had “made it” — for Trudy consistently made […]

Yesterday was the first (non-holiday) Monday of 2018. Were you excited to wake up? Eager to start your day? Did you walk through your day feeling on-task and highly capable? Sexy and empowered? Happy? Did you glow with that alluring kind of aliveness that comes from being creatively awake and engaged again? If not, then why? Are […]

One of my favorite clients came to me with a terrible ache and longing to get back to her writing. She’d tried, unsuccessfully, to devote more time to creative writing and she’d tried, unsuccessfully, to focus on her projects until they were done. Year after year, she attended literary readings and supported her friends’ writing […]

Last night I stayed up late, researching Christmas presents online. I bookmarked items and filled my shopping cart. I made mental lists and discovered a few items I might like, too. Quite a lot of mental energy and time can go into holiday gift-giving, yes? As this year’s season of celebration and generosity unfolds, I […]

Last Sunday, I spent the day with eight talented singers in a daylong Vocal Improv masterclass. (If you like Bobby McFerrin, then you can imagine the kinds of sounds and songs we improvised together.) Setting a full day aside for myself wasn’t easy. Even your coach occasionally struggles to prioritize time for writing, art or […]

Chances are, you got into freelance writing with your passion and dreams intact. Maybe, when you first started out, you dreamed of… getting paid to work in your pj’s and slippers… walking the dog during the workday and picking up the kids after school… doing a load of laundry or the dishes between assignments… making […]

In the past two weeks, my clients have been calling me with wonderful news — a book deal! A fellowship! A respected agent who asked to see more! Through our work together, my clients learn to hone their focus and achieve their writing goals from the inside out. Paying close attention to WHAT you pay […]

Last week I met a talented freelance journalist and content writer. She had so much going for her — great bylines; recurring assignments; a six-figure revenue; and a few big ideas to research and pitch. Despite these assets, this independent writer was missing two crucial elements that were keeping her stuck and unable to dig […]