Imagine, for a moment. Just 3 months have passed, and today it’s January 3, 2018. You are sitting at your writing desk, which is tidy and organized. You are feeling good – more energized, on-point and happy with your writing career than you’ve felt in years. Why do you feel so amazing? The answer is sitting […]

On the outside, Jess’s freelance writing seems to be going great: she has a steady stream of assignments, her editors and clients like working with her, and she’s making the money she needs every month. So why is Jess so unhappy? If you ask our writer why she’s so unhappy these days, Jess will say […]

It’s time for you to fall back in love with your freelance writing career, your craft and your life. Why? Because the years ebb by fast. Before you know it, a decade’s gone by and suddenly you see that most of your talent, your passion, your potential… is stymied. Stuck. As-yet unexpressed. Unrealized. “Falling in love again” with […]

I pulled an empty notebook off the shelf last week to give to my husband, who wanted to take some notes at an evening meeting. When my ten-year-old saw the notebook’s black-and-white cardboard cover, she yelled out with excitement: “That’s a COMPOSITION BOOK. We have the same notebooks in our desks at school!” (It seems […]

Today, a story about a freelance writer I’ll call “Rebecca.” Rebecca, a freelance journalist and content marketer, has a stable, successful writing career. After a few focused years of freelancing, she’s got a full assignment load, a good writing income and a couple of bylines she’s really proud of. Like any good independent business owner, […]

Were you lucky enough to see the solar eclipse yesterday? Here in California, we experienced a partial (78%) solar eclipse, and much of the U.S experienced much more. Perhaps you were lucky enough to be in the path of totality! If so, I envy you. To honor the event, yesterday morning, just as the eclipse […]

Oooh! I love it when this happens. After years away from her book, my client just told me she’s thrilled. She is writing consistently and productively again – almost daily! Using my powerful productivity system, Write a Book that Matters, this writer set a super-meaningful, (so-big-it’s-almost-daunting) 8-week writing goal she can’t WAIT to achieve. And […]

Last week, I took a risk. As you know, I’ve been guiding writers and busy professionals to get back to writing for over a decade. It’s thrilling to see them become so fulfilled, passionate and productive through our work together! I’ve spoken so intimately and often to my writer-clients that they’ve become part of my […]

Warmest holiday wishes to you! Click below for a holiday greeting, and a special year-end exercise you can do next week. So many of us are planning and setting intentions for 2016. This simple practice will help you step into the new year feeling more grounded and confident and happy: Thanks for allowing […]