“The answer to all writing, to any career for that matter, is love.” -Ray Bradbury I’ve had the good fortune to coach some pretty accomplished men and women to finish their books and create a sustainable, happy writing habit. Know what I’ve noticed? Many of these men and women have turned personal illnesses, setbacks or […]

I still remember the first time I saw my husband on a skateboard. Years ago, he was still my boyfriend, and one day I drove towards the road he lived on for a visit. As I rolled up to a two-way stop sign in his neighborhood, I saw Jon speed by in front of me […]

WRITING & OVERWHELM So many writers I meet struggle with feeling totally overwhelmed. Partners, friends and family need attention. So do clients and bosses! It takes TIME to do life in a way that supports all of you: relationships, finances, professional attainment, health and wellness, spirituality, creativity and fun. And way too often, when we […]

Not long ago, I met a writer who desperately wanted cut through the clutter of her busy schedule and inner resistance so she could finally focus on writing. She had a book to finish. Her book was personally meaningful and commercially viable. Not only was its concept well-developed and the book half-written, she’d successfully lined up people […]

How’s your writing going these days? When you sit down to write, do you sometimes find that you have nothing to say? No new ideas? No curiosities to explore? No exciting insights or creative energy? Then what happens? Do you start to doubt yourself as a writer? Lose faith in your project? Do you force […]

Lazy (defined): a lack of desire to expend effort Do you have writing dreams you’re not pursuing with full effort (and heart)? Every week, I meet writers like you who are stuck, frustrated and aching to achieve their writing dreams. In the intimacy of our conversations, these smart, driven, frustrated writers share the same stories. Do […]

What are you choosing to focus your energy and attention on today? Are you living daily with a painful voice inside, a voice that calls you out constantly for how little you’re writing these days… how difficult it is to enjoy your writing, (once you finally sit down to try)… and how short your falling with […]

I’m not sure you’d ever guess this about me now, but this is true: Long before I moved to California, for nearly a decade in my late teens and early twenties, I struggled with a crippling clinical depression. My friends and classmates never knew my truth, for I worked hard to hide this pain. Inside, […]

Today is the day. Whether you’re bracing yourself against icy winds or basking in the early sunshine of spring, today is the perfect time to stand back and take a big-picture perspective on your writing. Looking for a writing prompt to open your vision? Try asking yourself this: Why do I write? Write down your […]

Not long ago I realized just how off-track my mornings had become. I was checking my email upon waking and sampling blog stats before breakfast. Under the guise of “keeping up with business” I was cramming my mornings with “busyness.” No surprise that my days began to lack energy and inspiration! Use these three simple suggestions to fine-tune your own […]

Welcome to Q2! As of today, we are just a little more than 90 days into the new year. There’s a sense of fresh energy and new life in the air – do you feel it? Here in Northern California, the hillsides look almost impossibly green, and tiny blue wildflowers have begun to bloom outside […]

It hurts not to write. Nearly every week, a midlife writer confesses the terrible pain they feel by being in a prolonged state of not-writing. Sometimes by accident, and often, via fear, these writers find themselves mired in a solid, good life, but a life that’s sorely lacking creative practice, growth and fulfillment. These busy writers… … […]

In any given week, I spend a minimum of 3 to 5 hours focused and engaged in creative work. (That’s 3% of my waking hours. Not much time, right? Never underestimate the power of a focused half-hour or hour of writing, though. I get a lot done. Even better, this modest investment yields so much good […]

I just got off the phone with a fascinating and motivated writer, a woman who confessed to me with shame that she must just be “too lazy” to write consistently. You see, for years, she’s struggled to create a regular writing habit. It’s not that this writer doesn’t have a bit of time to devote to […]

Have you been dying to quit your job so you can spend more time on your writing? This week, two of my clients did just that. One client left a professional position in an organization she’d outgrown, finally allowing herself the opportunities she needs to grow her writing career to its full potential. Another client, […]