I recently welcomed a vibrant, ambitious writer to my practice. During her complimentary “Get Acquainted” Call with me, she mentioned she’d been following me for a few years online – reading my blog, etc. “What took you so long to get in touch, then?” I asked her. She replied, “I really didn’t think I needed […]

It’s a warm spring day here in Northern California, with wild poppies, purple lupine and cultivated daffodils blanketing hillsides and yards and roadside medians with pops of gorgeous color. After months underground, the flowers are everywhere – unapologetically vibrant. Unapologetically alive! Today, I invite you to consider your writing life in this fresh light […]

Perhaps the years have brought you a “life-quake” or two – an experience that dramatically ruptured the plot of life as you once knew it. Suddenly, your world is peppered with daunting new characters, settings or conflicts. Suddenly, you’re required to become something different or new, in order to survive and thrive. My version of […]

Every day, I help writers step through the painful struggles that hold them back from creating fulfilling writing habits and careers. And every day – as a vocalist, musician and writer, I am traveling on this path, too. This weekend I found an old journal and I discovered a very clear intention I’d set, at […]

I’m a late-adopter when it comes to media. (Case in point: my husband and I waited until 2014 to “discover” The West Wing — a full eight years after the series ended.) So imagine my surprise when I found myself binge-watching Tidying Up with Marie Kondo on Netflix this past week. Have you watched it? […]

I’ve been happy this month, watching my clients grow and thrive as writers and busy, passionate people in the world! There have been big wins. For instance, Pamela Toler, a woman who’s authored more than a few books to-date, just published an important book, one that’s infused with her wit and voice and squarely centered […]

It’s not easy to be courageously creative. Breaking through resistance is absolutely worth it though. Here’s a recent story from my own creative life. I hope it fires you up to be more brave and committed to your writing. A few months ago, I began surrendering to my passion for music. As my daughter began her new school […]

This Thanksgiving, I gave my 11-year-old daughter a gift I’ve been dreaming of giving her for years. I didn’t give a pony, a fancy trip or a camera. I gave her a song. After studying a songwriter I admire, I composed a bit of new music at the piano one day. I liked it, and […]

With all the challenges of writing, sometimes we overlook just how magical and amazing it is to be a writer. But thankfulness and gratitude, as Faulkner reminds us, is essential: “Gratitude is a quality similar to electricity: it must be produced and discharged and used up in order to exist at all.” ― William Faulkner […]

Your response to last week’s article, Hey, Writer – Your Courage is Calling, was phenomenal! Thank you for your messages, and I’m glad my ideas resonated for you. Many of you wrote me to say that the article helped you believe in your voice, and be more courageous with writing. One writer shared with me a […]

I haven’t been able to put into words how I’ve been feeling the past few weeks. Then I came across this quote, from the Buddhist teacher, Jack Kornfield: “Now is the time to steady your mind and open your heart. Listen to your deepest values, and find your own unique way to stand for them. […]

Every day, I talk with writers who secretly struggle. Perhaps writing for-hire is killing their passion to focus on and write what really matters… Perhaps they’re good at their craft but, no matter how hard they try, they can’t seem to create habits and systems to spark fresh ideas and intentionally grow their careers… Perhaps […]

If you’re like many of the writers in my community, somewhere deep in your heart dwells a writing dream that’s dear to you. Like many writers, you think you’d love… …becoming well-known for your book, essays or stories …making more money with your own ideas …earning book contracts, critical acclaim, and invitations to speak, write, […]