On the outside, Jennifer’s freelance writing seems to be going great: she has a steady stream of assignments, her editors and clients like working with her, and she’s making the money she needs every month. So why is Jennifer so unhappy? If you ask our writer why she’s so unhappy these days, Jennifer will say […]

‘Tis the season to be…overwhelmed? Holidays for anyone can be tough. Holidays for writers can be especially challenging! – We want to enjoy the festivities and celebrate, give gifts and perhaps travel to be with our families… – We want to entertain friends and family without too much stress or resentment… – We want […]

It’s easy to focus on the tough stuff of writing — how much time it takes, how much faith it takes, how much personal “oomph” it takes to sit down and stick it out with our writing until words make sense on the page. We writers are some of the bravest people on the planet, persisting […]

Time for some tough love, dear writer. Because writing coaches like me hear an awful lot of reasons why your writing isn’t getting done. And all of that suffering, exhaustion, frustration and disillusionment can be avoided, but to do so requires you to acknowledge a simple, profound truth. Truth – If you want to be […]

How I Like to Write It’s 6:30am. And after working out at the gym this morning, I’m cozy and ready to write here in my office — snuggled in my favorite cashmere hoodie, with my portable radiator nearby and a lit candle and a steaming cup of green tea on the desk. It’s early, […]

Let’s take a moment to consider the varied resources you use to fuel your writing career: In any given week, you invest your… time money creative energy focused attention to get your writing done. Know why I love this list? Because all to often, it’s easy to think about what didn’t happen with your writing. “I […]

I’ve been coaching professional writers since 2007. That’s given me a lot of time to see the inventive ways we as writers get in the own way of our own brilliance. Here are a few of the most common reasons you simply can’t coach yourself to be your very best: Reason #1 – You’re busy. Effective […]

Your energy is one of your most precious assets. When you take excellent care of yourself, you show up to write feeling creative, intellectually engaged, emotionally stable and physically energized. With this foundation of “alive” energy, the sky’s the limit in your writing business: you’re free to dream up new story ideas, discover new income […]

If you’re a successful mid-career freelancer, I know something about you already: You’re smart. You’re savvy. And if you’re in my community, I’ll bet your writing career is going pretty well, too. But if you think you could be happier — better paid, more fulfilled or more engaged with your writing assignments — I’d like […]

This week I coached a full roster of private & group clients. As they shared their challenges and wins, I realized something: I’m in the business of freedom. So I wrote a manifesto. (And it’s not for everyone!) Is it for you? Check it out: A Manifesto for Writers Who Choose to Thrive by Marla […]

Not long ago I realized just how off-track my mornings had become. I was checking my email upon waking and sampling blog stats before breakfast. Under the guise of “keeping up with business” I was cramming my mornings with “busyness.” No surprise that my days began to lack energy and inspiration! Use these three simple suggestions to fine-tune your […]

Once I met a writing coach, a corporate project manager and a retired executive coach all in the same week. Each of these folks was paid to efficiently, effectively solve other people’s problems. But deep into our conversations about their writing goals and projects, one by one these savvy professionals confided in me the same, […]

Sometimes it so easy to fail with writing that we aren’t even aware how we’re doing it. Voila! Here’s a handy guide for you. Tip #1. Don’t try. Simple, right? Your manuscript can’t fail if it’s not even written. The fastest way to fail at writing is to decide beforehand that “it’s not worth it…I’ll suck” or “the […]

[You might want to read “six long years” for some backstory…] When I looked up from my guitar last night, at one point I knew we were rocking the house. Why? Because wide-eyed pre-teen and a frail grandmother sat smiling at separate tables, bobbing their heads in time to the music. Felt great. But […]

Have you been too scared to do something you know you need to do to move your writing career forward? Finish a draft? Ask for business? Upgrade your website? Send out your pitch or essay or manuscript? Every writer feels scared and stuck sometimes. If you’re struggling with this right now, today’s 3-minute video is […]