Coach Marla Beck

3 Reasons You Can’t Coach Yourself

by Marla

in brilliant writing career, brilliant writing life

I’ve been coaching professional writers since 2007.  That’s given me a lot of time to see the inventive ways we as writers get in the own way of our own brilliance.

Clipboard and WhistleHere are a few of the most common reasons you simply can’t coach yourself to be your very best:

Reason #1 – You’re busy.

Effective coaching helps you cut through overwhelm and create regular “sacred” time in your schedule — important, non-negotiable time to nurture your talent, imagine possibilities, map out monthly goals and reflect on your progress.

If you’re too busy to think, it’s going to be impossible to recharge and realign your writing career on your own!  You need to solve your time challenges first, and learn the art of investing — time, money, heart and productivity — into the things and outlets that matter most to you.

Reason #2 – You’re multi-talented.

Are you paid to write non-fiction, but you’ve got an unfinished novel in the file cabinet, too?

Love to write and make art or music?

If so, you’re like many of my favorite clients:  multi-talented!

It can be tough to make decisions about how to invest your time and energy when you’re talented in different genres or disciplines.   There’s a real art to bringing the very best of yourself forward — across the board.  Doing so takes clarity, strategy and long-range planning.

Trying to find the right balance between your “art” and your paid work can be tricky — that’s why many, many  writers end up defaulting to their paid work, and never give their creative writing a chance.

When you work with a good coach, you get validation, encouragement and a strategic plan to honor ALL of you.  That’s very difficult to come up with on your own.

Reason #3 – You’re scared.

Let’s face it: if you write, you’re an imaginative person, someone who’s good at thinking and seeing and creating.

But if you’re honest with yourself, I’m betting you catch yourself “hiding” sometimes.

How?  Well, I often see writers hiding behind their…

  • bookshelves
  • computers
  • perfectionism
  • family responsibilities
  • professional schedules and assignments

Given your creative writer’s mind and your inclination to hide from your dearest writing ambitions, dreams or desires, isn’t it kind of crazy to think you can coax yourself out of your own rabbit hole on your own?

Most writers I know make fantastic excuses.  Elegant rationalizations.  No-nonsense proclamations.

The best way to step out of struggle is to hire a coach, a trained, experienced specialist.

She’ll help you spot your fear in action and support you in choosing otherwise.

And she’ll help you back your dreams up with a doable plan.

Don’t leave your writing career and talent to chance.  A coach will help you make the most of your gifts and honor your desires for a successful and fulfilling professional writing career.

You just can’t get these results easily on your own!

Are you ready for me to help you write and thrive? Meet with me for a complimentary consultation.

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