Coach Marla Beck

2 Ways to Write What You Love (When You Get Paid to Write for Others)

by Marla

in brilliant mindset, brilliant writing career

If you write for a living, you probably already know how challenging it can be to stay balanced, creative and happy. It’s all too easy to lose your passion, your clarity and your writing dreams in the day-to-day life of a freelancer.

Who’s got the time, when you’re busy managing multiple projects, meeting deadlines and looking for more work?

You’ve got the time. (You may not know it yet, but you do.)

Here are 2 ways to revive your career and write what you love when you’re paid to write for others.

heart bookOption #1 – Get Paid to Write What You Love.

“I didn’t know making money writing this stuff was even possible,” my client Joey told me a few months ago.

Joey had worked hard and spent the past six years developing a thriving writing business. She made nearly six figures. She had a steady stream of assignments, too.

By usual measures, Joey was successful.

But Joey wasn’t happy.

Joey hired me to help her find a way — any way! — to make her writing work more than tolerable again. After a Deep Dive coaching session where we explored Joey’s interests and passions, we discovered a lucrative new writing niche. Joey used the rest of our coaching to transition to this new subject area, and by the time we wrapped things up Joey had established herself in her new subject area and secured a few assignments.

Assignments she couldn’t wait to dive into.

With editors she respected and enjoyed working with.

Sound too good to be true? Not at all. I see clients like Joey all the time.

Explore your unique background, passions and interests. Adopt an attitude of curiosity. Assume that doing work you love is absolutely possible. And get support along the way.

For some writers, the easiest way to get themselves happier is to get paid to write what they love.

heartOption #2 – Make Time to Write What You Love

Getting paid to write what you love isn’t the right path for every writer.

Let’s say you’re one of those writers who needs to harness her passions for her own projects.

Perhaps it’s your path to channel your creative voice into a novel. A non-fiction book. A brand-new product, service or blog.

And make a living and continue to move your career forward while you do it.

Katrina can relate to your story. When she began coaching with me, she had a book project in mind, but couldn’t seem to turn down her regular assignments or create the space she needed to get the book done.

Katrina and I defined her writing career goals and her “absolutes” about what to say yes and no to. I taught her how to create permission, time and opportunity to honor her talent and finish her book.

And over time, Katrina moved not one, but two unfinished manuscripts forward. And she did it all in 6 months’ time.

“I used to feel like my work owned me,” Katrina told me. “Now I enjoy my paid work a hell of lot more, because I know I’m getting my own book done.”

What Will You Do First to Start Reviving Your Career?

You can find your happiness by putting “you” back into your writing career. The easiest way to get started is to find a way to write what you love:

  • Write “your stuff” for others and get them to pay you for it.
  • Or finish your own writing and get it out there.

Don’t let your fear tell you these things are impossible. Not worth it. Or too difficult.

My clients will tell you that a happier writing career is possible. But it’s up to you to make a decision and get started.

Are you ready for me to help you write and thrive? Meet with me for a complimentary consultation.

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