I recently welcomed a vibrant, ambitious writer to my practice. During her complimentary “Get Acquainted” Call with me, she mentioned she’d been following me for a few years online – reading my blog, etc. “What took you so long to get in touch, then?” I asked her. She replied, “I really didn’t think I needed […]

Even smart people believe stuff that’s not actually true. Take, for example, our culture’s love affair with striving. If you’ve ever worked hard to do life “right,” then you know what I mean. You may have worked hard, long hours, and then faulted yourself when your body rebelled against the stress. You may have baked the cookies, […]

In the deep earth of many women’s lives dwells something nearly magical: a truthful, powerful river of longing, creative power and passion. You might not see this creative energy when you glance at the woman across from you in the produce section. You might not sense that underlying passion when she’s passing you with the […]