It’s not easy to be courageously creative. Breaking through resistance is absolutely worth it though. Here’s a recent story from my own creative life. I hope it fires you up to be more brave and committed to your writing. A few months ago, I began surrendering to my passion for music. As my daughter began her new school […]

One of my favorite clients came to me with a terrible ache and longing to get back to her writing. She’d tried, unsuccessfully, to devote more time to creative writing and she’d tried, unsuccessfully, to focus on her projects until they were done. Year after year, she attended literary readings and supported her friends’ writing […]

Is there something wrong with you? I’m amazed at how many writers secretly ask themselves this very question. By all conventional markers of success, these ambitious, smart men and women are on the right track: They’ve received accolades and maybe even a few awards from work well done. Maybe they’re known for hitting all their […]

A few weeks ago, my family and I camped on the South Dakota prairie for 3 days. Imagine sleeping and waking in such stillness! Seeing so much “nothing” was startling, refreshing and energizing. A tree became a sculpture, and the historic covered wagon in the field almost ached with poignancy. In the stillness of that […]