Coach Marla Beck

Are You a Lazy Writer?

by Marla Beck

in brilliant productivity

Lazy (defined):  a lack of desire to expend effort

Do you have writing dreams you’re not pursuing with full effort (and heart)?

Every week, I meet writers like you who are stuck, frustrated and aching to achieve their writing dreams.

In the intimacy of our conversations, these smart, driven, frustrated writers share the same stories.  Do any of these writing dreams resonate for you?

  • See your byline in dream publications?

  • Finishing your book, so you can snag an ideal agent (and book deal)?

  • Master a new genre?  Excel in your craft?

  • Longing to form a consistent, joyful writing habit — a consistent writing practice that adds richness and depth to your life (vs. stressing you out)?

Nearly every week, at least a few of the writers who’ve just shared these meaningful writing dreams with me tell me this:

“It’s been years since I’ve tried to accomplish this goal.”

“I think I’m just lazy.” 

If you could see my reaction to their words!  Grrr.  This kind of excuse-making and self-delusion burns me up!

Truth is, these writers have plenty of evidence in their personal and professional lives to contradict the idea that they’re “just lazy.”

  • They’ve achieved financial and professional recognition in their careers.

  • They’ve run successful freelance businesses.

  • They’ve raised children, cared for loved ones and run households.

  • They’ve kept themselves healthy.

A lazy person does not accomplish significant achievements like these in life and business and career.

A lazy person is not driven to express, create or amplify an idea or story.

If you’re in my community, I can pretty much guarantee what I’m about to say:  a lazy person is not YOU.

Chances are, like 9 out of 10 of the “lazy” writers I meet, you’ve become resigned to the fact that you can’t solve your writing resistance and lack-of-progress problems by yourself.

So, guess what?  You decide to cop out.

You justify your situation by telling yourself writing doesn’t really matter… you’re just not designed to achieve… maybe you’ll finish your book when you retire, after the kids are grown you’ll be able to write… etc., etc., etc.

If this is you, please listen up.

You cannot afford to delude yourself any longer.  Think of all the bad moods, shame, guilt, resistance, avoidance, shame and exhaustion you’ve steeped your writing-self in, these past years.  What has all this diminished capacity and negativity cost your health?  Your relationships?  Your ability to get things done at work?  At home?

Just think of all the positivity, joy and creative aliveness you’ve lost, by allowing yourself to remain stuck, without finding a way to write.

Think of all the stories still stuck inside.

It’s easy to forget this, but today I’m here to remind you:  just because you haven’t been able to solve a problem by yourself and on your own, doesn’t mean that problem is unsolvable!

To perform at your best with your writing, you need a multi-dimensional system of expert support and accountability.  You need a crash course in resistance-busting, goal-setting, creativity and focus.  You need a new framework, too — one that ignites your writing motivation from the inside out, and gives you simple next steps to create the writing time, space and productivity structure you need to finally achieve your writing goals.

Stop calling yourself lazy.  Consider the tremendous cost you incur every time you cop out on your writing.  Let go of that excuse and false belief that insists you have to figure everything out on your own.

The truth is, every week I coach writers like you to achieve their writing goals successfully and quickly.  They’re finishing books, reclaiming time to write, reviving their creativity and pitching agents and stories that matter.

If you’re committed to getting back to writing, creating a consistent writing practice and publishing your work more meaningfully, contact me today.  I’ve set aside some time this week to talk with you, and together we’ll clarify your very best next steps to successful writing.

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