Summer. Is this time of year frustrating and destructive for your writing? If so, let’s chat. Some days, I experience summer as a languid and almost sensual force of flow and ease. This midyear season can be quite lovely as it cloaks us with heat, warmth, spaciousness, and an unmistakable invitation to have fun, take […]

Chances are, you got into freelance writing with your passion and dreams intact. Maybe, when you first started out, you dreamed of… getting paid to work in your pj’s and slippers… walking the dog during the workday and picking up the kids after school… doing a load of laundry or the dishes between assignments… making […]

The human mind has a peculiar tendency to amplify anything we focus on…especially, the negative. So let’s talk about your freelance writing career for a moment. What have you been thinking about lately? How good it felt to achieve your last writing milestone, or that time you tried to solve a writing problem…and failed? How […]

My client’s voice lit up brightly today as she recalled how fun pitching stories used to be when she was just starting out as a freelance writer. “I used to be so excited about finding ideas,” she said. “I loved it. I’d think, ‘Ooh, I see an idea in the world — I can develop that and bring […]

On the outside, Jess’s freelance writing seems to be going great: she has a steady stream of assignments, her editors and clients like working with her, and she’s making the money she needs every month. So why is Jess so unhappy? If you ask our writer why she’s so unhappy these days, Jess will say […]

It’s time for you to fall back in love with your freelance writing career, your craft and your life. Why? Because the years ebb by fast. Before you know it, a decade’s gone by and suddenly you see that most of your talent, your passion, your potential… is stymied. Stuck. As-yet unexpressed. Unrealized. “Falling in love again” with […]