Janie came to me like most writers do: driven to finish her book, but exhausted.
She was exhausted because every time she’d tried to finish the book, she pushed herself too hard, and burned out and quit.
She was exhausted because every time she saw her unfinished book project’s folder on her hard drive, she felt guilty and mad and discouraged.
She was exhausted because her upcoming birthday — a big one — magnified the deep chasm between who she was (a “stuck writer”) and who she wanted to be (a “happy, productive, successful writer”).
Had Janie continued to ignore her book, her discontent and shame would have mushroomed. Eventually, she’d hate her friends’ writing successes (although she’d only do so secretly). She’d start to avoid time with family members who were sure to ask about her book. She’d struggle to blur those heart-wrenching longings she felt on quiet nights or vacation days, the ones that told her “you’re not being YOU, you’re not being YOU” every time she dared to listen.
Janie came to me determined to reclaim her writing momentum by finally (finally!) finishing her book. She was a dream client to work with: driven, motivated, willing to implement the step-by-step system I taught her to create the time, space and structure she needed to finish writing her book.
It wasn’t long before Janie was hitting her writing deadlines.
It wasn’t long after that that Janie surpassed her deadlines, and even took time off in the middle of her project because she was ahead of schedule.
It wasn’t much longer afterwards that Janie’s book draft was FINISHED, and then, to her amazement, she was creatively awake and feeling FREE again.
- free to polish her book draft…
- free to find an agent…
- free to pursue the new book idea that came to her when she learned to write without stressing out so much…
- free to ENJOY writing again, without dreading it, avoiding it or diminishing it’s importance.
Are you craving writing freedom, too? Every day, I help writers like you skyrocket their productivity, finish their books and feel better — more energized, more passionate, more alive – than they have in years.
Is it your time to shine? Please don’t wait another month or year to finish your book. Don’t wait until that next big birthday comes. You can make the decision to feel this good and free and productive. Starting NOW.
Contact me here to set up a time to talk with me, and, if you’re a good match for my work, we’ll quickly get you started on the path to a free, happy, productive and successful writing career once more.