Hey, smart cookie.
For all your skill at meeting everyone else’s deadlines, you’d think you’d be a rock star at discovering your passion and making time to pursue your personal projects, right?
Thing is, that gnawing feeling inside – the one that wells up on Sunday afternoons – tells you that when it comes to reclaiming your creativity, discovering a passion or launching your dream…you’re not doing so hot.
You’re not alone. At least 75% of my private clients at any given time have struggled with the very same challenges. Like you, they know what to do. Like you, they struggled to find a way to do it on their own.
Over the years, I’ve had the privilege to get to know the passions and struggles of folks with impressive personal stories, project credits, resumes and bylines. In our confidential meetings, these high achievers let down their guard and get real with themselves and with me. I’ve heard their creative dreams. I’ve learned the myriad ways in which they hold themselves back from trying something new.
I’ll tell you: I’m often wowed by their drive to bring something useful, fulfilling or new into the world.
I’m often moved by their stuckness, too.
If you’re tired of not achieving your true potential, if you’re ready to feel good again, here are 3 very important things to remember:
- Your life is, in large part, the life you’ve created for yourself. Even if you have significant responsibilities, duties or roles, you can still make room for YOU. (In fact, I’d argue that to be at your best in work or family life, you have no choice but to make room for you.) Take responsibility to make a change. Don’t wait. Hire help, if you need it.
- Feeling alive and passionate is a result — a byproduct you can encourage, but not force. Inner fire and happiness happen fast when you allow yourself to spend time doing something you’re curious about and interested in on a consistent basis. The more you focus on the PRACTICE of something you enjoy, the more freely your clarity, passion and focused, forward momentum will come.
- Feeling stuck is an opportunity to embrace something new. If you know what direction you want to move in but you aren’t making it happen, you may need new priorities, new courage, new clarity or new confidence to break through and move forward. You’ll find that when you bust through your blocks, you’ll learn skills, habits and strategies you’ll be able to use for the rest of your life. Real change can be truly rewarding!
No matter who you are or how successful you are, you absolutely can realign your time and make room for “passion” in the very life you have now. All it takes is new approach. My one-on-one coaching offers you a compassionate, intelligent, incremental program to help you shift out of reaction mode and into a vibrant, new way of thinking and being — one in which you’re actively discovering and pursuing the kind of success you really care about, so you can feel creative, free and happy to be alive again.
with love from your coach,