Coach Marla Beck

How to Get Serious About Your Passion Project (an unconventional approach) – Part 3 in a 3-Part Series

by Marla

in brilliant creativity

About this series:

Lots of blogs will tell you how to take charge and get serious about your passions. I’m here to share with you a different path, and it’s one that won’t resonate with everyone. In the next three weeks, I’m going to show you how to finally get serious about your passion project. The steps I’ll be sharing are integrative and holistic – an approach that’s been working for the many executives and writers I’ve coached throughout the years.

My process is based on a super-simple assumption: you are not a bobble-head. You’re a passionate person with brains and soul and maybe a bit of defiance thrown in. The best way to take your passions seriously again is to address all of these elements of yourself, so you can still BE YOU while also being passionate and productive.

I’m here to show you a mindful and thoroughly effective path to finally getting serious about your passion project. We covered the importance of aching to change  and putting everything on the table.

Today, it’s time to translate “passion” into productivity. May I introduce the all-important Step #3: Consciously Allocate Your Resources.

Passion Project Step #3 – Consciously allocate your resources.

Even executives and successful creative often forget that, when it comes to their own passion projects, they need to be the visionary and the manager – not just the do-er.

If you’ve chosen to dig deep when laying everything out on the table (step #2), then you’ve acted as “visionary.” You can sense your mission in your bones. Your enthusiasm and clarity is fired-up from within.

Now you have to translate all this heart-felt, authentic passion into practicality:

What projects will get you closest to your goals? In what order?

Will you plan meet your (lifestyle/financial) requirements as-is? If not, how can you adapt it so it does?

How to translate your project plan into incremental goals you can actually achieve?

What’s your best way to work?

This is the work of “allocating your resources,” of translating passion into tangible output. When you look at your time, money, energy, focus and passion as resources, and when you choose to deliberately reallocate them in alignment with your passion project, you are giving yourself the strongest available foundation to pursue and complete your passion project. Why?

  • you’re actively taking charge of your life (vs. allowing other people or priorities override your plans)
  • you’re acknowledging the depth of resources you already have at your disposal
  • you’re identifying any gaps, so you can address them

In the afternoons of our VIP Intensives, the executives and writers I mentor often marvel at the way we integrate their vision with their project plans; their heads with their hearts.

When you learn to reallocate your resources consciously, based on a solid foundation of what matters most, you will see new possibilities you’ve only dreamed of before.  The path to getting serious, productive and committed to your passion project will unfold…and it will unfold with clarity, right before your very eyes.

Now It’s Time to Get Serious

I hope by now you can see that pushing, driving and striving your way to productivity is a limited, one-dimensional approach.

The key to realigning your passion with productivity is to acknowledge the ache inside, to be willing to put everything on the table, and to consciously allocate your resources based on what matters most to you.

The real key to pursuing your passion project with zest and verve is to let the process change you. In the past few weeks, I’ve honestly given you everything you need to get started doing exactly that!

So what will you do first? Today?

If need me to walk you through these steps personally, so you can quickly, happily get serious about your passion project, head over to my website at and fill out the form. My assistant will be in touch within 24 hours to help you get started exploring working with me.

Get out there and enjoy the journey!

With love from your coach,


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