Coach Marla Beck

Overwhelmed? Here’s Why Your Writing CAN’T Wait.

by Marla Beck

in brilliant mindset


So many writers I meet struggle with feeling totally overwhelmed.

Partners, friends and family need attention.

So do clients and bosses!

It takes TIME to do life in a way that supports all of you:  relationships, finances, professional attainment, health and wellness, spirituality, creativity and fun.

And way too often, when we manage to find the time we need to write, we waste it with distraction, guilt or vagueness.

(How many times have you found yourself returning a call, checking Facebook or doing the dishes when you’d originally intended to use the time you set aside to write?)

(How many times have you felt truly guilty for writing?  Like you were being selfish?  Letting someone down?  Or ignoring your “real” responsibilities?)

(How many years have you tamped down your writing identity in favor of making money, tending to others’ needs or pretending writing doesn’t really matter?)

It’s not necessarily comfortable to say this to you, but it is the truth:

Not-writing?  It’s a CHOICE.

Not-writing is a vitality-draining CHOICE you are making, one that saps your confidence, energy and enthusiasm for writing – and for everything and everyone else in your life.

There’s nothing wrong with struggling with distraction, lack of clarity, fear or guilt.

There IS something wrong with pretending writing can wait.

There IS something wrong with not solving your writing problem when a complete and thorough solution is available to you.

As you know, I’ve served smart, frustrated writers as a professional confidant, consultant and coach for over fifteen years.  If there’s one thing I can tell you with certainty, it’s this:

You may not believe me, but your struggle to focus on your writing is OPTIONAL.

You may have to open your mind to new ways of thinking and acting and choosing.

You may need to step up and admit you need some help.

You may have to invest yourself – time, money and attention – in SOLVING your writing problems once and for all.

I assure you, these investments are quite modest when you stack them up against the cost of not-writing.  Think for a moment, what not-writing is costing you.  All that exhaustion, soul-pain, overwhelm and embarrassment disappears when you’re able to glide past your resistance, create a more writing-friendly life and pursue the writing goals that matter most.

Nobody’s going to swoop in to save your talent or your writing impulse. It’s up to YOU to take yourself more seriously.

I’m here to help you, when you’re ready. Contact me here.

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