Let’s talk about consistency.
A habitual writing practice is some of the best medicine out there! My clients tell me they feel more intuitive, more alive and more happy when they’re writing on a regular basis. They get fresh ideas for essays and articles. They revel in the creative river of ideas they begin to hear in their heads while they wash the dishes, drive the car or shower. Their essays and book chapters get written faster. They enjoy writing more.
Best of all, with regular writing, that savage voice inside, the one that says things like “You’re not a writer – you’ll never write!” seems to subside or lessen. It’s as if our creative force subdues the inner critic, overpowering doubt with the truth of creativity and inspiration.
When was the last time you enjoyed a regular and vibrant writing habit? One that nourished and sustained you? One that moved your most important writing dreams forward, one writing session at a time?
A lot of writers tell me they struggle to put their own writing first. They tell me it’s hard to invest time and effort in personal writing, when they could be getting a direct ROI from pitching a new story or assignment.
I get it. And…
The art to finding more time to write and allowing yourself to create a consistent, vibrant writing habit is this: listen to your head…AND, listen to your heart.
If you want to learn more, contact me at https://coachmarla.com//contact to discuss your writing goals and challenges.
I assure you: no matter how busy, driven or doubtful you are, we can get you to write consistently and productively. And if you’re willing to follow my guidance and slowly, consistently begin to allow “vibrancy” into your writing practice, you’re going to be amazed at the possibilities that open up for your writing, your career and your life.
With love from your coach,