Coach Marla Beck

Write What Matters Most: 3 Writing Super Powers

by Marla

in brilliant mindset, brilliant productivity

USE_THIS_-_sharpened_pencilMeet Jenny.

She’s a talented freelancer with more than a few big-name bylines to her name.

She’s also interested in fiction, and she has part of a novel draft sitting on the corner of her desk.

In January Jenny told herself that this is the year to finish her novel.  But now it’s almost November and Jenny’s hardly touched her manuscript.

What’s been stopping her from writing her novel?


Fear comes in many guises, and (as Jenny knows) fear can be especially hard to identify when you write for a living.

(‘Cause paid writing always comes first, right?  And you’ve gotta’ take every assignment that comes along…right?)  Wrong.

When we fail to write what matters most and express our “brilliance” —  that sweet spot where our talents, passions and purpose intersect — we’re either lacking a few essential management skills or we’re simply afraid.

You CAN get your novel done while you work your day job or run a successful professional writing business.  I know because I coach successful writers to recommit to and complete their book projects all the time!

To write what matters most, you need a few simple superpowers…

  • trust
  • clarity
  • right focus

Let’s walk you through this.

1.  Super Power #1  – Trust

Confident writers trust themselves and have faith in the creative process.

  • When you trust your talent (and your ability to improve your craft, if you’re exploring a new genre), you’ll give yourself a break and be less resistant to showing up to the page to write your first draft.
  • When you trust yourself to manage your project (and get your book done), you’ll relax into your  writing sessions and be less scared to show up to the page.
  • When you trust that creative writing itself is worth it, no matter what the publication outcome, you’ll relax enough to write something good, real or refinable.

You have to act “as if” before you can freely write.  Try it today.

2.  Super Power #2 – Clarity

Ever pull out a cookbook?   Isn’t there something incredibly satisfying about reading a detailed list of ingredients followed by clear, step-by-step instructions to make your dish?

Many times I see writers get very frustrated with their book projects, short stories or other creative work.  Why? Because they’ve forgotten that it’s their job to manage their project and plan their time.  They’re trying to cook without a recipe!

Working professional writers often need extra help to get clear about how to use their time, their talents and their energy.  (“How do I keep my business going and do my own writing at the same time?”)  They need to think through which assignments to take, and they often need to get honest with themselves to figure out exactly which book project they want to tackle first.  (There are often several potential projects to choose from.)

It is completely possible to find time to write fiction while you freelance.  It’s utterly possible to feel at peace while you work and while you write.

But first you’ve got to have a well-defined recipe for your time, goals and writing project.

3.  Super Power #3 – Right Focus

If clarity is your writing “recipe,” then right focus is the way you cook.

  • Do you devote an afternoon to cooking, or do you squeeze in your cooking time around everyone else’s schedules or needs?
  • Do you check your email while you cook (and get so distracted the cutlets get soggy), or do you stay focused on your work until it’s completed and tasty?

As a writer, your attention is one of your most precious resources. 

To write what matters most, you have to consciously choose your right focus at every level:

– during your writing session, so you can stay engaged and productive and moving forward

– as you plan your day, so you can bring your best energy to your writing session and your work

– in how you plan your week, quarter, and your year, so you continue building a successful writing career based on what truly matters to you

A good coach can help you learn to harness and use your attention for best results.

To get you started, consider keeping a simple log by making a few notes each day about your feelings, your resistances and exactly how you “sneak” time to write (or avoid your writing).  When you practice observing your habits with compassion and curiosity, you’ll begin to discover patterns and possible solutions to keeping your focus… exactly where it needs to be…

…on creating a thriving writing life, one in which you’re consistently, productively and happily moving the writing forward that matters the most to you.

You can do this.

It’s up to you to get started.


If your writing career needs a jolt of fire, energy and inspiration, sign up here to learn 3 keys to renewing your creativity, vitality and forward momentum.  Get your free MP3 recording and 13-page transcript to download and keep.  It takes fire in the belly to go for your writing dreams.

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