The late afternoon light’s been more golden and gorgeous than ever, now that it’s early fall in Northern California.
The other day I brought in groceries from the car, and instead of rushing through the patch of sunlight on the deck I stopped and stood perfectly still, positioning my body right in the heart of the late daylight. I let the autumn warmth seep in. I queried my senses and paid close attention for a few minutes.
Wasn’t long before a wave of gratitude bubbled into my being.
When I went inside to finish my chores, all the actions and tasks I had to do seemed so much easier.
I’d nurtured my animal body. Honored my soul. I’d taken some time just to be.
As a writing coach, I’m here to remind you today that one of the most effective ways to boost your productivity, dissolve your resistance and free up deep happiness as you create, craft, revise and polish your writing isn’t simply to choose the latest time management tactic and employ it with earnest force.
The path to your best and most enjoyable writing arises from you choosing to embrace a different way of working — a writing week dotted with moments (or, ideally, a few hours or more) to deliberately tend to your body, your curiosity, your soul.
(The trick is not to use this time in an “ok, I did my workout, now I can check that off the list” kind of way. )
You’ll get the results you’re after when you learn to embrace not-doing for a bit, in a spacious, expansive and downright delicious kind of way.
If you’re balancing writing with a high-powered day job…
If you’re a high-achieving type who finds it hard to slow down…
you can absolutely change the way write and integrate it into your life.
You may need lots of practice.
Like my clients, you also may also need someone objective, impartial yet deeply invested – to help your create a writing routine infused with spaciousness, freedom and inspiration.
I am here to help when you need it.