Are you finding it difficult to make your writing a priority? Have you been less productive than you’d like? Feel like you’re working vaguely, and without purpose?
Your writing, like any living thing, needs care and nourishment to thrive. Read on for 5 of my favorite strategies to make your writing a meaningful priority once more.
Strategy #1 – Write meaningfully.
Getting to the writing table is very difficult if you don’t know why you’re writing in the first place. Do you have a specific writing goal you’re pursuing? Is your ideal writing outcome crystal clear and meaningful for you? Do you have some sense of what you want to accomplish, contribute or address with your writing talent?
A popular adage says, “Begin with the end in mind.” This is a compelling and effective strategy, whether you write for pleasure or publication.
Strategy #2 – Create writing practices that work.
As much as you can, make your writing practices automatic and routine. After I teach my clients simple systems to organize their writing time, submission habits and more, they are amazed as how much more free and productive they feel. Simple systems will make your writing practice concrete and meaningful. Take time to create them.
Strategy #3 – Enroll someone.
I once attended a personal development class where all the participants were divided into two groups. One group sang “Twinkle Twinkle Little Star” out loud; the other group sang “Row, Row, Row Your Boat.” When everyone began singing, the effect was chaotic and dissonant. In time, though, we listened to each other to find our like-minded group members, and slowly the large group sorted itself into two.
You don’t have to do this with your writing. It’s challenging and potentially lonely to pursue a creative goal in isolation. Imagine how good it feels to have an objective sounding board, partner and coach squarely in your corner: you see the appointments on your calendar; you create deadlines to keep yourself accountable and moving forward.
Reach out and enroll someone else in your vision – this is hands’ down the most efficient way to make your writing truly matter in your busy life.
Strategy #4 – Track your wins.
Collecting data is a fulfilling practice. This practice also makes the “ephemeral” more concrete. Whether you draw simple checkboxes in your calendar, quickly journal about your writing sessions, track your writing time or list submissions in a spreadsheet, reporting on your writing results creates tangible — and potentially improvable – data on your writing activities. Regularly reviewing these simple reports will help you make your writing efforts more visible, efficient and meaningful.
5 – Claim your biggest vision.
Without a passionate through-line that organizes your writing focus and efforts, you will never achieve the great potential you know you’re capable of.
You MUST have a daring, passionate vision you are pursuing. It’s important to understand where writing fits into your life, now and in the future, too. You must have clear, concrete and achievable short-term writing goals, so you can focus your energies and move your writing forward. My one-day Clarity Intensives are designed to give you all of this and more, so you can fire up your writing career and practice meaningfully and quickly.
Please don’t settle for not working to your potential. You risk the danger of devaluing, dismissing or, worse yet, ignoring your writing, if you do. And I believe your voice and perspective truly matters.
Making your writing matter again is absolutely achievable, especially with guidance. Know that I’m here to help you. And if you’re ready, you can get started today with the simple, actionable strategies I’ve listed above.
Whatever you choose to do: take action and do it.
With love from your coach,