When life jolts you out of your ordinary routines and comforts, it’s quite easy to feel unmoored. Whether you’re dealing with a watershed life change or simply trying to adjust to simpler circumstances, like recovering from an injury or having your kids home for the summer — change isn’t easy.
- How can you stay on track, when you’ve got less control of your time?
- How do you get back on track, when you’re feeling unmoored?
Tip #1 – Savor your routines.
When I was in my twenties, I had a major abdominal operation that required me to stay in the hospital for ten days afterwards. As you can imagine, I had a lot of time to think! Know what I missed the most about home? It wasn’t the food from my favorite Afghani restaurant (although I certainly would have preferred their savory chicken kabobs over the food I was eating in the hospital). What I missed most from home was that feeling I’d get whenever I opened up my apartment windows, put on my favorite music, and cleaned (yes, cleaned) my apartment. Routines give us a sense of control and order. And as I discovered in the hospital years ago, routines also give us pleasure.
So right now, even if you’re travelling, buried under deadlines, or are dealing with bigger circumstances beyond your control, I encourage you to savor your routines. What kinds of things do you do every week, no matter what? See if you can’t add in more pleasure. When you do, you’re really living.
Tip #2 – Fire up your perspective.
A friend called me tonight to talk about life and writing. She was remembering that when she was slowed down due to an illness, she saw so much more detail and beauty in the world than she did when she was well. “Life became exquisite,” she said. “It really was a gift.”
Sometimes life events startle us into to new ways of seeing, perceiving and believing. Trouble is, once things get back to life as usual, we forget the insights. We let go of the perspectives.
I believe the real art to living life well is to remember your perspective and act from it, even when life gets back to normal. What truths were revealed to you in times of stress or struggle? This information, dear one, is your “perspective.” Are you living in alignment with your insights?
If you need help refreshing your perspective, discerning your true priorities and mapping out a practical, passionate plan to boldly live from the very heart of your truth, I’m here to help. Start by listening to my Fire in the Belly talk, which you can access here.
Wishing you much pleasure, confidence and perspective this week.
with love from your coach,