The poet, Anne Sexton, once said: “When I am writing, I am doing the thing I am most meant to do.”
Can you relate? I can.
For me, it’s music and coaching. While I get to coach writers every day, but it’s been six full years since I’ve stepped onto a real stage to sing and play guitar.
And tonight I’m going to change that!
In a few hours, the Acoustic Guitar senior editor and fingerstyle guitarist, Teja Gerken, and I are going to perform at a local open mic in a hip Northern California town. It’s not unusual for things to feel a bit competitive there. (And fun.)
I’m excited to perform again. And scared.
(Because I could’ve rehearsed more. I’m pretty tired. I’m also getting over a cold….)
But you and I know the truth: sometimes you’ve got to put “You” first.
You’ve got to get your art off the back burner.
Back Burner, No More!
How to Face Your Fears, Honor Your Own Deadlines and Get Your Book or Big Project DONE
Wednesday, May 8 at 1:30pm Eastern
You’re warmly invited to join me this Wednesday for a fre’e one-hour teleclass. I’ll share with you 5 simple steps you need to take to honor your talent, get over your blocks and get your writing project done.
You’ll also discover:
- How to banish one of the biggest productivity blocks you’ve got (and may not even know you have)
- A powerful, easy-to-do habit you can start using right away to return to your writing project (and reduce your resistance and fear)
- 2 practical, easy ways to start setting and meeting your own deadlines
I guarantee you’ll be one step closer to finishing your project just by investing this hour with me.
Click here to learn more and register:
See you Wednesday!
with love from your coach,