Coach Marla Beck

Fire in the Belly: 3 Keys to an Inspired Writing Career

Fire in the BellyI don’t have to tell you: It takes fire in the belly to go for your writing dreams.

Fire in the Belly: 3 Keys to an Inspired Writing Career

SIGN UP BELOW for FREE tips, case studies and a lot of heart from Marla Beck, Career & Life Coach for Writers.

 Lost Your Fire?

I created this new audio recording for writers because I got sad seeing so many people with eyes that’ve lost that certain luster that tells this busy world of ours that they know exactly who they are.  Can you relate?

If so, you might find that:

  • You don’t know what you really want in your writing life and career.
  • Your novel goes unfinished (year after year after year…).
  • You’re working too hard in your professional writing business…for too little payoff.

Worse yet, you walk around with a gnawing feeling that you’re definitely NOT living up to your potential.

Help is Here.

If your writing career needs a jolt of fire, energy and inspiration, sign up below to learn 3 keys to renewing your creativity, vitality and forward momentum.

I’ve packed tips, case studies and a lot of heart into this simple-to-use audio and transcript.  Give it a listen and you’ll get motivated and inspired to:

  • Finish your book.
  • Craft and be guided by an authentic, vibrant and bright vision for your craft, your publishing goals and your career.
  • Transform your lackluster professional writing business into satisfying work that earns you what you’re worth.



Meet Marla


Since 2005, Marla Beck has been a trusted strategist and coach to high-achieving freelance writers and other experienced writers. She is based in Marin County, California, and writers from across the U.S. and Europe, and others as far away as South Africa, Thailand, New Zealand and beyond hire Marla for her insight, warmth and proven, step-by-step productivity and career-development strategies.

Marla specializes in helping writers achieve their most important writing goals, with a focus on helping smart, driven writers to carve out more time for personal writing, transition to careers as successful authors and break into top publications like The New York Times.  Her clients regularly publish in The New York Times Magazine, The Wall Street Journal, Nature, Science, Oprah, Slate, Longform and elsewhere.

Marla lives in a cottage in the redwoods with her husband, school-age daughter and two tuxedo cats.  She has overcome significant health challenges with focused intent, a passion to live a vibrant life, and an ongoing commitment to daily self-care and meditation practice. Marla shares some of her story, along with tips for an inspired writing career, in her free audio, Fire In the Belly.