Coach Marla Beck

The #1 Mistake of Unhappy Freelance Writers

by Marla

in brilliant writing career, brilliant writing life


On the outside, Jennifer’s freelance writing seems to be going great:  she has a steady stream of assignments, her editors and clients like working with her, and she’s making the money she needs every month.

So why is Jennifer so unhappy?

If you ask our writer why she’s so unhappy these days, Jennifer will say she’s tired.  She’s uninspired.  And deep down, she knows she’s not being the journalist, fiction writer or author she knows she knows she could be.

You see, Jennifer’s gotten really good at being a professional:

  • she pitches timely, market-savvy ideas
  • she meets her writing deadlines
  • she’s even developed a reputation for being the go-to writer for quick turnaround assignments

Jennifer’s a well-respected writer, it’s true.  But she’s forgotten what drove her to write in the first place! Jennifer’s own needs — her passion, her personal life, her self-care — are taking a back seat to her freelance writing assignments.

And now, after years of ignoring her heart and personal goals for paid work, Jennifer’s paying a painful price for success: her energy and her mood have gone down the tubes!

The Key to Happy Freelancing

After awhile, the excitement of building a successful  freelance writing career starts to die down.  Once you get good at your gig, it’s really easy to become complacent or driven by everyone else’s needs but your own.

So what’s the solution to unhappy freelancing?  Keep YOU front-and-center.

Get Started!

To get started, ask yourself these questions:

  • Am I stretching myself to pitch or query my dream clients or markets on a regular basis?
  • Am I taking assignments I want, or am I just taking everything that comes my way?
  • Do I have enough time for me?  Have I set my weekly schedule up so I feel on track, relaxed and resourced?

The good news is that no matter how far you are from these ideals, the power to pursue a path of happy freelancing lies with you.

Choose a single action to start you down a path of more challenging, balanced and fulfilling freelancing.

I’ll be rooting for you!


If your writing career needs a jolt of fire, energy and inspiration, sign up here to learn 3 keys to renewing your creativity, vitality and forward momentum.  Get your free MP3 recording and 13-page transcript to download and keep.  It takes fire in the belly to go for your writing dreams.

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